Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Lockdown 3.0 Diaries #9

Curse you Perry the Platypus!!! Well, I had to at least once. Makes me laugh all the time. If there's no Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz and Perry, then the show wouldn't be half as fun. Oh, just in case you're wondering, I learnt from friends who are photographers and Youtube on how you should always put a simple background so that your photos doesn't look too weird. Previously I used rolls of manila cardboards taped to the walls, now I have upgraded to foam or matte boards (Preferably black in colour, but I have occasionally dipped into other colours depending on my mood) I would love to try using a DSLR but number One) It's too pricey over here Two) I'm trying to get second handed but I'm scared of getting cheated Three) I'm pretty clumsy that I made end up breaking it Four) I have no clue on how to use fancy tech stuff. Yes, most phone cameras are quite good but you know, sometimes it can't capture the magic like a DSLR does.

    Morning usually means scrambling like crazy to get things done, and true enough. my first phone call wad someone pressuring me to take their closed one because their oxygen level is 88%. "Take them now! TAKE THEM NOW!" 

*Conversation is edited for privacy*

Me: Wait - Wait, calm down. What are you talking about?

Person on the other end (I'll call them Spock from Star Trek): MyclosedoneishavingcovidandIneedtoknowifyouhaveanybedavailablenow!!!

Me: Slow down! Slow down! Are you talking about covid admission?

Spock: Yes!!! I want to know if you have any beds now?

Me: I have to check first, but before I do, can I get the patient's history?

Spock: No symptoms!!! Except for cough and the oxygen level is 88%!

Me: Okay, any co-morbidities?

Spock: (talksveryfastbutisabletocatch)

Me: Okay, I would say it's not too great, so if you don't mind, I'll give you a call later on while I check on my bed availability -

Spock: No! I can hold the line! You check your bed now and let me know if there's any bed available, I'll wait. If there's a bed I'm coming over now! I'll drive over!

At that time, I can feel my brain suffocating, I know it is because I can feel my breathing become heavy, at least I'm not breaking down because once upon a time, I may have just broke, but I stumbled around on autopilot asking if we have any ICU rooms. Maybe it's obvious, because my MO swooped in and took over like a superhero. Of course, Spock tried to pull the same funny thing on them but my MO wasn't having any of it. "Calm down, deep breath. What is going on? Why are you pushing my nurse into a corner?" Spock went on to explain their situation, and I saw my MO turned firm. After several reassurance, they told me. "Do you remember the chaos yesterday? Same person." 

      Mary, Mother of God. 

    We took the case, because well, Spock is being...Spock. I don't want to say too much because it's terrible. Short version: Spock drove up and demanded for admission. It brings forth a case where I was pushed into a corner involving night shifts...There, that's it. Don't speculate and ask anymore.

    Got a few funny enquiries regarding operation rescheduling and insurance approval. I'll give you a brief rundown here. Regarding operation re-scheduling, you will need to talk to the clinic directly, there's no point in going through us because we are a different channel. Same goes for operation confirmation (PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR PRIMARY DOCTOR!!!) Insurance approval is something that is out of our hands. As someone who worked in the clinics, the doctor's job is to fill up the form, we send it off, admission will take over and send it off to the insurance agents. The only way to find out is either you go through the admission counter, or you call your insurance company to find out/ 

    Getting appointments are not too difficult today, thank goodness. Maybe today after the rocky start, things were getting okay. Oh, look, more vaccines enquiries. Same old song and dance. The funny thing was I think was listening to Sadboy2005, I know I was because I was singing Wrong Side of Mulholland Drive. Pretty much sums up my mood. How many times have I repeated the same thing over and over again like a jukebox on repeat? You are not allowed to choose your venue, and you are not allowed to choose your vaccines. Of course, one person just have to push me hard by saying, "Well, didn't Khairy said you all are getting Moderna?! What's wrong with you? (They are referring to this article: (Malaysia’s state governments and private hospitals can buy their own WHO-approved COVID-19 vaccines: Khairy, Published in Channel News Asia, by Amir Yusof, on 3 Jun 2021 06:17PM))

    Really, really, after the whole crappy morning, you want to slam me with something that should've been taken seriously once good old Khairy said Astra Zeneca are open to the public?

Source: Khairy's Twitter. Here, I'll even link it for you so that you can stay up to date:
(I don't have Twitter, I stick to the Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia FB page)

With the rise of the covid cases, we have been stressing to everyone to get their jab. Doesn't matter what it is, just get your jab. You're worried? You can go to your GP or general physician for a pre-vaccine screening. It's okay, we're here to help. Stop nitpicking and just get your vaccines already!!!
    Because I have been shaken up already, another person came breathing down my neck. "I'mlookingforanautoimmunejabantiTFTcost." What-what's wrong with today?

I don't have time to play guessing games. Usually I'm good at guessing things just from syllable alone but I'm already mentally exhausted. I told the person, ''Look, I'm sorry, but we're a little busy now, I'll give you our company line, show me the photos of the products and the spelling and I'll get back to you regarding the cost." Sure enough they did, but what made me feel flabbergasted was I saw the Doctor's Name (AKA The Author of the Pamphlet) on the pamphlet. Why? You're holding a pamphlet from the doctor. The person then told me: "Oh, I'm Dr So-and-So's patient, and I have brought the patient to see him, and my insurance isn't covered so I didn't dare to ask. That's why I'm asking you to give me an estimated cost."
    Lord, LORD GIVE ME THE STRENGTH. You went to the doctor, and you never asked the price??? You know that they are the primary doctor for this type of treatment, why didn't you contact them? I-I can't - Because it was near the end of my shift, I contacted my colleague, gave them the details, and asked them to pass it to my department once she discuss with their doctor.
    Just goes to shows you how weird the enquiries are at times.
    The bright side, I got my fish and chips (via delivery). The only good thing that came out of it.

*Today's case: 6,239 (Someone, anyone?)