YES! The 14th Day. FREEDOM -
All morning shifts in a row. I need my tea. By the way, this entry is going to be a little light-hearted because the alternative would have to be going to the Twin Towers and scream (Which I do not want to because we are still in the midst of a pandemic, stay safe, folks)
You know what's great about the MCO? All of us suddenly have newfound talents. Well, we do what we can with our free time. I wrote an essay regarding how the pandemic has changed my life months back and it was fun. Never thought I would join essay competitions, because I entered the writing world as someone who would write novels, but now I have branched out to short stories, novellas and essays. Who would've thought? If you tell that to me years back, I would've went, "I just want to write books." Oh, my young, naïve self, you have no idea what's going to happen once you start embarking on this journey...
Morning is the time we scramble because there's a lot of appointments we have to rush to book. True enough, it was till around 12 pm before we have even clear the log because there are too many. The thing that kept me going were my favourite music from my favourite artists, tea, at one point I have to eat instant noodles because I was mentally drained. Why, why, why do people keep asking weird questions?! If you want accurate Covid test, please consider just getting a RT-PCR Test so that you don't end up paying twice for goodness sake. And can I beg all of you to please don't ask weird questions that you end up confusing yourself as well? You know what's funny, we didn't ask much questions regarding the vaccines. We just wait for our turn and get the vaccine, done and done. (I told you I don't listen to the negative parts of the vaccine, all my doctors joked after the vaccines, they all could start dancing and head to the operating theatre for surgeries.) Can I take my meds before covid vaccination? Well, if it's related to hypertension and diabetic and heart problem, shouldn't you be taking it? At the same time, you should consult your main primary consultants as they know your medical history well.
I noticed allergies test enquiries are becoming a hot topic. People just love asking this question: "How much does it cost for an allergy test?" You do realize this is a weird question right? I told you before, there are more than a hundred allergic tests. I am not going to list out hundred types of different prices, it's ridiculous, furthermore, not to be judgmental, how would you know what type of things are you allergic to? I don't even know what I'm allergic to because I have never done a proper allergic test (Although there was an incident years back when I drank bubble tea and when I took a few pearls, I developed a very bad skin reaction - Nothing serious, but I have outright avoid bubble tea since then) This is why I strongly advise you to consult a doctor first and let them decide after taking down your medical history. (Note: We don't have an exact allergic doctor per se, we usually recommend you to internal medicine/ physician or if it's related to skin, the dermatologists)
Same thing goes for skin-related issues like acne, freckles, dark spots. My personal experience here: 2 years back I have severe breakouts of acne. I mean really, really bad. I was on steroids for three months and it was awful. I threw up a lot, and was pretty miserable, and I gained a lot of weight (I didn't have much appetite, but it's a side effect). It did controlled my acne, but it didn't last long. Once the doctor stopped the meds, my acne erupted again. I was depressed to the point where I pretty much suffered low self esteem. It wasn't till one faithful day when I was assisting a dermatologist in the treatment room, they saw my face and immediately offered to treat my acne. They started me on pimple gel (To be used when I have acne breakouts only), mild antibiotics and Vitamin A (The vitamin is the most expensive of them all). I won't lie, the treatment is so expensive and I nearly hyperventilate on the cost for the initial treatment, but once they started cutting off my dosage the cost became bearable. Oh, the vitamin have side effects as well. I can't get pregnant and I can't donate blood. The bright side is my acne has been cleared after a year plus of treatment and patience, after careful controlling of my diet (cutting out carbohydrates and sugar) and going for exercise. Regarding skin-related issues, the dermatologists need to assess your skin and determine what treatment suits you.
Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. How many time do we have to stress on this? You are not allowed to choose your venue! And they are not for sale! Just register in the mySejahtera app and wait. How many time do we have to stress that the government decide, we have no final say, the most we can advise you is if you need to reschedule your appointment time, go to your mySejahtera helpdesk. It has been updated and it's much helpful now. But I'm going to warn you now, if you postpone your vaccination date, God knows when you are going to get your next vaccination. So think carefully before you hit that re-scheduling button.
I got a strange phone call today as well. Around lunch time, I picked up a call where someone was yelling at me how they have no money. This is pretty much how the conversation goes: (It's in Bahasa Malaysia, but I'll translate it roughly for you. Oh, my Bahasa Malaysia is weird, but I can hold on my own)
Person: I don't have money! I don't have work! Do you understand? (Saya tak ada duit! Saya tak ada kerja! Faham tak?!)
Me: I don't understand what you're talking about. (Saya tak faham apa tuan/puan tengah cakap)
Person: I don't have money! Why do you keep chasing me?! (Saya tak ada duit! Kenapa kamu kejar saya?!)
Me: Sir/ Ma'am, I really don't understand what are you talking about. What are you looking for? (Tuan/Puan, saya memang tak faham apa tuan/puan cakap. Tuan/Puan tengah cari apa?)
Person: They asked me to call the bank! (Mereka suruh saya telefon bank!)
Me: Wait, you are looking for the bank? (Tuan/Puan nak cari bank?)
Person: Isn't this the bank? (Ini bank kan?!)
Me: This is the hospital. (Ini hospital.)
Person: They gave me this number and told me this is the bank's number! (Mereka bagi saya nombor ini dan cakap ini adalah bank punya nombor!)
Me: Sir/ Ma'am, we are a hospital, not the bank. (Tuan/Puan, kita sini hospital, bukan bank.)
Person: What is this?! Did they give me the wrong number?! (Apa macam ini?! Mereka bagi saya salah nombor ke?!)
Before I could answer this part, the person hung up the phone. really weird.
Remember the last part I talked about? Oof, karma hit me back. Should've never said it. Cause now I'm running after my family member who is unwell. Well, here's something for you to listen and laugh to: