Life Is Hilariously Cruel - Look Alive Sunshine! (If you don't get the reference, watch the video below)
Source: Trisha Paytas: The True Lives of the Fabulous SadBoys
(Published by Social Repose on 25th May 2021)
Good morning, finally. I miss roti canai, unfortunately I need to get to work by 7 and all the shops open by 8. My job is calling me. Rushed to get some ramen because I have the feeling I'm going to need it.
Day started off slow, but it seems that people seemed to have some sort of signal, because after 10 am, the phones were ringing non stop. I'm talking about 5 - 6 phone calls in one go, and there's only two of us working. Can't hit the SOS button, not to mention the same people calling several times for mundane things. Good God. Do - do they keep up to date to the latest news?
What's with the frequent calls regarding false reports? Recently I've been getting several calls regarding their reports are false. Usually this is how the scenario goes:
Someone was tested positive, so the close contact have to go for swab test. Okay, don't panic (Who am I kidding? I panic easily as well). Get yourself tested as it is the responsible thing to do. Okay, tested negative. Okay, but you will still need to monitor yourself for any symptoms and keep practicing your SOP. Got tested positive, register yourself in the mySejahtera and stay home. After your mandatory quarantine, you will need to go to the CAC and get your release letter. Any difficulty in breathing or severe symptoms, call 999 or head to the nearest government hospital emergency department.
But no one is ever satisfied with their result. Okay, fair enough, we'll encourage you to go for drive thru to minimize contact if you insist on another round. Okay, and then when you do multiple results, depending on the labs you go to, some lab stains are sensitive compared to others. Last time I used to get yelled at that the results turned out positive, because...What do you want me to do? I'm not the lab staff, I'm not the one who runs the test. Lab test A may come out positive, Lab test B may out negative. This depends mainly on the machine and stains that the lab used, I'm no expert in this, you can check with the molecular lab who are the main experts.
Recently, due to the rise of covid cases and the lockdown, people want to minimize going out. I get it, even with the full vaccination, mask on, washing your hands, maintaining a safe distance... No one is safe. It's scary, but at least when you are vaccinated, you get some protection and a peace of mind. Recently I got a case where someone pushed me to appeal on their case to the Ministry of Health, since they have done multiple tests and one turned out positive. I need to make something clear here. If you are tested positive, you can't run anymore. The moment you are tested positive, your details will be sent to the Ministry of Health, so if you happen to do anything funny and they find out, you end up risk getting fined. The person send me texts after texts forcing me to appeal to the Ministry. Wait just a minute, I'm not the government! What do you want me to do? Furthermore, I do not have access to your covid reports, not to mention, your result is from elsewhere. I'm just a lowly potato who only coordinates and help. I have no right to interfere with the government.
I'm sorry, the only thing I can advice you is call them, and don't try running, because the government can track you. Just go, report yourself, if you need to be admitted, you will have the choice of either going to the quarantine centre or private sector (if you can afford it), or the best option: Home quarantine. (This mainly depends on your condition and living area, because I have heard from others if you have co-morbidities, or families who were tested negative at home, you may end up needing to be quarantined. There's a list of criteria that you need to meet to quarantine at home) Please, don't ask me to do weird stuff to bypass the system, because I do not have the authority to do so.
Sigh, I really try not to get the negativity get to me, but I honestly feel like throwing in the towel at times, but my doctor told me fiercely: "Don't you ever let those negativity affect you." Thanks doctor, I needed some sense knocked into me, because they are right. No matter how much people hurt us, we try not to let it get to us. You know, I respect the artist that I linked here, because I followed his content from 2016 onwards, stopped watching him for a while. Then I watched him again near last year where his content recently came back on my timeline and I respect him for not giving up no matter the road gets rough, because at the end of the day, we do art because we love it. Same for him, he likes making alternative music, music videos and short films. Good for him.
On the bright side, the fish and chips are back! (Takeaway or delivery only)
*Today's case: 7,452 (I Beg For The End)