Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Lockdown 3.0 Diaries #29

Malaysia extends MCO 3.0 for second time, published in TTG Asia, written by S Puvaneswary, posted on 28 June, 2021 13:08

Sugar, we're going down. Yep, not hitting less than 4,000 means this diaries are going to keep going. Wonder how much longer I can go on. 

    Evening shift, and today isn't too bad. I feel like chucking the phone, honest to God. Today there's a lot of people 'vaccine shopping" again. Please, I implore you, stop nitpicking and just get the vaccine already. Honest to God, all vaccines have side effects, the question is whether your body can handle the vaccine or not. No one knows. If you ask me, I also wouldn't know, but the vaccine is good for us, so why not just grab it when it's offered to you? I'm sure most people know by now, vaccines are created by injecting a small amount of the virus into our body. That's how our body withstand flu, pneumonia etc etc. I was scared too, but like I said many times, my doctors told me all about the good things taking the vaccine, none of that negative stuff. So yes, I went for both of my vaccination with minor side effects. The first one made me very sleepy, the second one gave me a minor migraine. "Just take a couple of Panadols and voila." Thanks, doctor. 

    For some weird reason, I couldn't get my colleagues. Wonder what happened? I think I must've tried calling them for an hour but I couldn't get them. Must be busy... This is one thing people don't understand. For gynae/obstetrician clinics, ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat), Dental (mainly these few) there's usually only one clinic assistant/ nurse, and they are in charge of everything. Most of the time they have to assist inside, so you won't be able to get them till you keep trying. I know it's frustrating but I got used to it, both as a customer and co-worker. As I always mentioned, if it's urgent, call. If you can't wait, run to the emergency. Especially with the pandemic, it is not advisable to walk in.

    Why can't some people comprehend that we are in the midst of a pandemic? Stop giving excuses like: "I haven't seen my friends in so long." Um, we have Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Facetime, Wechat, Instagram and all those good stuff (I'll even write letters if you want). You can still talk to them, just not face to face... And they will understand. I haven't seen my friends in so long, you don't hear me wanting to meet up with them, because I'm a healthcare worker, I do not want to put them in danger with whatever I'm carrying. Second, I may be vaccinated, but most of them are not. It links back to number one. Three, I do not wish to get them in trouble. The government has been very firm about this. If you have a huge gathering or event, be prepared to get a fine slapped on you. With money being tight at the moment, everyone is being frugal. People are losing job, economy's crashing and living expenses are going up, up, up. Can you blame people for being careful with their money? Conclusion, if you do not want to get slapped with a heavy fine, just follow the SOP and stop being ridiculous. Use modern technologies to contact your friends, please. 

    Health screening is important, I won't dismiss it, but let's be real. How often can we afford the money to go for health screening? I asked my dad years back regarding this, and he said: "If everyone can afford it, then why not got for it every year, or every three months?" Throw a few thousand here and there... But you see, most people do not have that kind of money, unless you have premium healthcare insurance coverage. I know people who can afford premium health screening every three month or every year, but most of us can't. That's reality for you. This is why it's important to take care of your health and body.

    Same song and dance everyday. You know, people kept saying life is hard. It is. Since when life is ever easy? To quote my doctor: "If life is easy, the world would be a peaceful place. There wouldn't be world war, there wouldn't be politics. People could just open up their doors and be happy... But if that were the case, it'll be too boring." Life is worth living because of the struggle. If things are too easily won, then where's the challenge in that? I'm not a risk taker to be honest, but I did endure the chaos that always seems determined to swallow me...somehow in my own weird way.  

    This post isn't that long to be honest, there's not much to say. Stay safe.

*Today's case: 6,437 (You seriously still want to go out?)