Thursday, June 10, 2021

Lockdown 3.0 Diaries #10

Can't wait for my days off to fix my broken cord necklace. Ordered leather cords a week ago, slight delay due to the pandemic and because it's coming from China. For my wire rings, you do not need to spend a bomb on them. The only thing I would ask you to invest on are the pliers because large hardware tools aren't suited to make wire rings, and don't attempt using your fingers as a makeshift pliers. I cracked two nails from the attempt.

     I got gummy bears at hand, because we're going to need the fuel. True enough, 15 minutes past 7am, someone called me. Setsuna* called and asked for my name, which I give, because why not? Then the conversation gets really weird. "Oh, hello, I talked to a previous colleague of yours, they promised me that someone is going to be discharged today, and that I'll get a room. Is my room ready?" 

    Oh. My. Freaking. God.

    I trust my colleagues enough not to do weird stuff, and I'm going to say it, people are getting cocky. Here's one thing I forgot to put in the previous entry regarding covid admission. you are not allowed to book beds, it is a first come first serve basis. We have patients who demand for beds. Sorry, not happening. If we have offered you a bed and you reject it, then it's your loss. We got many patients who are also looking for bed. Can you imagine if we allow all the patients to book the beds in advance and none of them turn up? You know what, let's not go there.

    I swore that I would calm down today after the chaotic two days before, but this person really seemed to want to test my temper. I told them politely that I would I need to check with the wards as it is very early, and the ward rounds usually starts after 8, 9 latest will be 10. Immediately they catch me, "Oh, you mean there's a confirmed discharge case? I can come today right?" I told them firmly, politely that there is no guarantee discharge as the doctors haven't seen their patients yet. What if the patients aren't fit to discharge or they have to stay on due to complications? They then went, "Oh, you mean there's no confirmed bed?" Let me say it in a simple, concise way. Please wait for the doctors to do their rounds first, and if there's a discharge case or empty bed, then we'll take your case. Setsuna finally got it and hung up the phone. (Don't worry, they got admitted later once the wards shuffled their beds)

    Back hurts real bad again. I know it is because for the last three days I've been sitting down too much again. I tried to stretch my back every hour but darn, it hurts, even with Acustop plasters and the hot and cold sprays. If you haven't got back pain before, let me tell you, it hurts like hell. It's like something pressing onto your spine (at least, that's how I feel, but everyone's experience is different) I cried once because I couldn't bend at all at one point, most likely I sprained my back from doing sit-ups. Nowadays I go for running on the treadmill with wrist strap weights and plank for a minute to strengthen my back. 

    Again and again, people demanded to walk in to get the vaccines. Please, stop walking in! You need to have your appointment in your mySejahtera app as proof. Don't keep showing up demanding for the vaccine balances. I didn't know this at first, but there is a backup list. Let's say 5,000 people were supposed to show up, and 100 didn't show up. Yeah, I call dibs on the balance. Um, no you're not. This is when the backup list comes in. If 1,000 couldn't make it for their appointment, the next 1,000 people whose name is on the top of the backup list get the balance. Sorry, wait for your turn, that's the only thing I can say. We don't have control of the list, only the Ministry of Health does.

    I never understood why people seemed to think healthcare facilities are like supermarkets. You cannot demand a fixed price, for certain scans like blood tests and diagnostic scans, yes, you can ask for the price, but did you know that there's several parts of a certain part? Anterior, lateral, whole scan.... Even then there's no fixed price, this is why we often require a referral letter or form so that we are to give a more or less estimate pricing. The one that ticks me off the most was allergic testing. Do you know that there's more than a hundred type of allergic test, and each with their own different pricing? You are not going to expect me to list out all the allergic test types and price right? Furthermore, the tests are up to the doctors, not you to decide. This is why we stressed several times that it is very important to consult the doctors first so that we don't send you for unnecessary tests. You're not going to do the entire allergic tests, right?

      Procedure and anaesthetic fees...This is the one thing I never liked talking about, because this is all depending on the doctors. Not us, not you, even sometimes the doctors can't predict the cost because I have incidents where cost skyrocketed because patients suddenly have a massive bleeding, or something didn't turn out right and more equipment is needed. Same goes for the anaesthetic fees. No one can predict what's going to happen depending on the complexity of the cases. We also hope that we don't go overboard with the charges, but no one can predict the future. Stop demanding for fixed or nett pricings because this is not a supermarket. 

   My eyebrow is twitching right now, so I'm going to call it an early night, because I haven't been sleeping well lately. 

*Name is edited for privacy

**Today's case: 5,671 (Who are you gonna call?)