Sunday, June 6, 2021

Lockdown 3.0 Diaries #6


My baby is ignoring me :( When I used to work fixed hours, she will always wake up around the same time nearly as me, and when I come back to work, she, along with my other dogs, will come running to the door and greet me, but ever since I worked shifts, sometimes I maybe awake, but she will be asleep. Or I'll be asleep and she will be awake, looking for me. "Mom, where did you go?" I know this cause when I work night shifts, I sleep in the morning, where my family will tell me that my baby is looking for me. Did I mention she's already 6-year-old? I have her since 2015. How she grew up. If you need a trip down memory lane, here's the most earliest photo I have of her.

Didn't get enough sleep. I know I didn't because I feel my eyes are heavy, but I'm used to it. Managed to get a covid case in early because today's case was keen, managed to hit all the right points, barely even batted an eye when I quoted the initial deposit. No problem. What wasn't good was the line kept cutting off. Of all days to get a wonky line. not sure why, I made sure all the cables were fixed. At least today was bearable, but I guess it also shows that birds of a feather flock together. Difficult patients seemed to come in droves, because the enquiries never cease to make me think how some people can be plain ignorant. A good example would be someone asking me regarding children's vaccination, um, I may not have kids but I know that everyone has a vaccination books for their babies once they are born, same goes for our four-legged furry friends. This person really astounded me when they asked, "What vaccines I should give?" Um, don't you have the vaccination book? No. Oh geez. After clarifying with the pharmacist back and forth, I went all the way to the other building to get the vaccination booklet from the department. I'm not getting caught off guard again. 

    How can some people be so calm regarding certain things? I had a patient who outright tell me they are vomiting blood. and I was basically telling them "Can you please go to the emergency now?!!!" "B-But I want to see a specialist." For the love of God, you are vomiting blood and you want to wait?! And tomorrow is a public holiday! Go and get a medical officer to assess you, and they'll page the doctor on call. Will I get the doctor I want? Just tell the medical officer. Finally convinced them to go to emergency.

    You think that's bad? I first heard of people self-diagnosing themselves in fiction. When I was in the wards and clinics I never heard of people self-diagnosing, but everyone seemed to have turned into doctors without me knowing. I kept digging around the queries trying to find the puzzle, and people can just tell me, "Oh, I just read up in the internet, I have <insert diagnosis here>" Word of advice, don't you say this to a doctor. They didn't study hard to get lectured by Mr Google. I'm going to stress it again, it's good to check on things with Mr Google, but at the end of the day, get your facts checked by the consultant. 

    Till this day, people still ask me when are they going to get vaccinated. Well, I wish I knew, ask the government. I also recently got my jabs, some still haven't gotten their jabs too due to unfortunate circumstances. I implore you, stop walking in and demand for the vaccine. You won't be entertained. By the way, don't misuse your travel letter. I have incidents where people had misused the letters I gave them to go shopping. Not funny. This is why we can't have nice things in life.
    Other than that, I'm going to call it a day because my eyes are really drooping now. 

 Happy Sunday
*Today's case: 6,241 (Aiyeee)