Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Lockdown 3.0 Diaries #2

No cars outside, but then I heard from everyone that there are still tons of cars around at the highway. Seriously, what's the point then if we are all screaming at the top of our lungs to stay at home? I can't stay at home since I'm working in a healthcare setting. I'm grateful though, because at least I still have the chance to go out to see colleagues and friends at work.

        That feeling of dread when going to work, I can't stand the enquiries flooding. If they makes sense, then it's okay. The problem is people tend to send weird enquiries and we have to answer them all. One thing about the job here, you need experience on the floor, and you need to think fast on your feet, because you can never know what is going to happen. Some places are forcing on the ground staff to wear N95 (I nicknamed it Donald Duck's mouth because it does look like a duck's mouth), so far because I'm no longer on the ground, and I mainly handle enquiries through phone and emails, it's still not too bad, but I do miss being on the ground. Yeah, it's stressful, then again, it's a good stress. Pretty much why I need rock genre music while working because it helps calm me. Strange but true. I go mainly for Japanese Pop and English Rock.

        Today is still okay. Enquiries numbers are bearable, but we still tend to get ignorant enquiries. Please register yourself through the mySejahtera app, and please wait for the government to give you a notification. Don't you dare walk in because you will not be entertained, and the vaccines are not for sale. Regarding vaccination pre-screening, please consult your general physician as they are the ones who will know your medical history well. We do not want to risk your health by giving the wrong advice. At times, we still tend to get appointment enquiry, not to judge, but at times it feels ridiculous, because if you are planning to go for an appointment, it is always best to contact the clinic directly, that way you don't have to go through several channels just to get an appointment. Want to look for a doctor, get the clinic extension, can't get them, send an email enquiry. No go? Keep trying till you get them. People used to joke that I go running in with guns blazing because I tend to chase people till I get what I needed (within reason). I try not to hound people too much because all of us got our own stresses as well. 

        Internet connection today is really testing my patience. Have to run in between to register for in-service talks as we no longer have physical trainings anymore, and license is due every year in August, not to mention the amount of enquiries that comes in. Had restarted and refresh PC several times and still no go. Nearly had panic breakdown when my file went missing (Please, no more, I don't think I can cope with my files going missing). Thanks a lot, Mr Internet. Wonder when we are going to get a stable internet connection because we have to do things online... Other than that, I'm happy because at least today even though I did small stuff to help the patients, they were grateful. Every little things counts. I don't expect extravagant stuff, but just a small note of appreciation is good enough. 

So happy my plants have grew up. Thanks to my colleagues for taking care of them when I'm off duty.

        Parting note: If you have any severe symptoms (Eg. Difficulty in breathing, chest pain, heart problems, persistent high fever), call 999 NOW or head to the nearest government hospital emergency department. Seriously. 

*Today's case: 7,703 (Keep it together)