2 more days, but I'm scared to keep my hopes up because the cases are inconsistent... Fingers crossed, toes crossed. We'll get through this.
Weekend evening shift. It's one of the things which I dread, because weekends is the time where you won't have much backup, not to mention the weird enquiries that tend to come in. Oh yes, folks, the 6 pm curse is back. I can't go to the temple to get flower water for cleansing, although I heard from my friends turmeric powder works as well...
There's one thing I noticed during the MCO period from last year till the current day. I feel like we're going backwards. Know why? Till this day we have begged people to register for their vaccination through mySejahtera, yet we still get people demanding for the vaccine balance. For the love of holy, you can't get the balance, there's a waiting list. It will never go to waste because the government will just contact the next person in line in the waiting list. One person ticked me off by saying "But - But I'm starting a job in August! I need the vaccine!" I'm sorry, the only thing I can say is register your vaccination slot in your mySejahtera app and wait.
Then someone contacted me regarding an overnight parking vehicle. O...kay. So what's the issue? They want to get the car out...without a ticket. Um, you do know how a parking system works right? You get a ticket, you pay for it at the autopay station and only then you can get your vehicle out... The person asked me if they can claim as a lost ticket... What on earth -
Lord give me the strength. Good thing I brought snacks, which is a must because when the enquiries and calls come flooding in, you won't have time to run for food. As usual, people came chasing me for covid admissions. Not trying to sound cold hearted here, but most insurances are not covering for covid admissions, and we have patients who had said they have no issue in paying, but when the going gets rough, they couldn't afford to pay for critical care, and things sometimes go into bad debts, which is sad. People are already suffering, and we really don't want to become villains... This is why we have to have our savings ready, because in the worse case scenario, you may have to end up dipping into your life's saving for hospital treatment, because sometimes it's hard to get insurance coverage.
I really don't like it when people tend to take things for granted. As mentioned before, you think it's cute when you make an appointment and then when you need to cancel or postpone an appointment, you couldn't bother to contact the clinic. It's called courtesy. If you do that to someone during an interview, it's plain rude, because people have allocated their time for you, the least you could do is to respect their time, just as they respect yours.
If you are a person who is suspected having covid, once you do your test, stay home. Don't wander about giving all sort of weird excuses, because you are considered 50-50, meaning you may or may not have it, so please don't go out and risk yours and other's health. Stay home till your result come out, and even if it comes out negative, practice your SOP guidelines. The only time an exception is made if when you are having severe symptoms, then call 999 or head to the nearest government hospital immediately.
I really don't have much to say because I'm really upset with people's attitude. I don't know, I swear to God, ever since the MCO started, I've seen all sort of weird things happening. Yes, I've seen some people who were generous and kind, willing to help, but the bad side tend to be seen more... And I need to crash early otherwise I won't be able to get past the morning...
*Today's case: 5,803 (Oh for the love of God)
**Darn, I missed by 6 minutes, I'm sorry