Morning again, and FREEDOM!
If our case is not less than 4,000 then the lockdown will not be lifted. Darn it!
You ever encountered a really persistent person? Like from 7 am they keep texting you and telling you stories that you feel like begging them to stop? Literally that's what happened. How many times do we have to say, if you managed to get your covid vaccination time, then great. Yay, nope. Not this one, they got an appointment in days' time, and why do they not want to take the vaccine? Because they claimed that they will develop severe side effects: "I know my body well..." Um, have you taken the vaccine yet? No, their appointment is in few days' time, but they want to 'vaccine shopping' because they can't take this and that. Why? Why didn't you go to your local GP for pre-vaccination screening??? Why did you wait till last minute? Then they started bombarding me with several texts on how this country is better than ours, and this research says this and that. Best part: We are not even the place where they were supposed to be vaccinated. Then they started spinning things like "Can I come to your place to be vaccinated?" You can't, we strictly follow the mySejahtera app, you can't fool us. Then they went into another launch about how their family all suffered severe side effects, and even after I replied several times to call the main covid vaccination centre to appeal their case, they still bombarded me with texts. At this point, I finally ignored the texts, because today I'm alone, and my MO is also struggling alone, and we have a huge surge of whatsapp enquiries and calls. I had to beg the operators to hold the line unless it's a complex case, then we'll take it. What made me stop engaging was the privilege and entitlement. Do you know how lucky you are to even get the vaccination date, not to mention at a nice venue, and you want to throw it all away just to 'vaccine shopping'? My closed ones and friends haven't even gotten their vaccination date yet! They finally stopped texting near noon. You can only engage to a certain extent, but if you're going to shove everything back into our face despite us trying to be kind and understanding, then we have to stop because we got people who really need our help. If I haven't let go of this person, I couldn't focus on the incoming calls and important logs.
I knew that I'm already in big trouble, because early morning I'm already getting several phone calls regarding covid admissions. When covid admissions comes in, all bets are off. Whatsapp can wait, and we can only handle so much phone calls at a time. Read my previous entries regarding covid admissions, it is a very strenuous job, because we have to make sure we a thorough medical history, no shortcuts, no stones left unturned. We expect to get full details, meaning if you are planning to call on behalf, please get ready with all the details because we will be going in hard and fast. While I was helping my MO with the cases, my eyes are pretty much bulging with the amount of Whatsapp piling steadily, but we need to focus on covid cases, every little details count.
I'm going to say it still my throat goes dry regarding appointments. If you are going to get an appointment tomorrow, please call the clinic directly. We do not have access to making appointment, we also need to wait for the appointment. And I can tell you during my covid clerking, I can see a lot of "Has my appointment has been confirmed?" "Has there been updates?" "Please check on my appointment confirmation." I always end my messages with IF YOU DO NOT HEAR BACK FROM US, PLEASE CALL XXXX. My dad saw me on the verge of a breakdown and he told me: "Look, you have to learn how to put your foot down and said in a firm tone: If it's urgent, it is best if you call the clinic directly as we also need to wait till the clinic open. Sometimes we may have a sudden surge of enquiries, and we will not be able to attend on time..." But you see, we are part of a servicing job, like it or not, we have to service the people. As I learnt back in Japanese classes, お客様は神様です (Customers are kings)
Today's enquiries are strange. Today I have tons of enquiries regarding plastic surgery. What are we in - Nearly half a year now, I'm not sure, tis the season to get them, I guess. Mental health is another popular one. Well, it's not surprising, Miss Rona had taken a toll on everyone, I don't blame anyone if you need to get mental health help, I encourage you to do so if you think you need it. If I haven't found hobbies to keep me occupied, I might go spiralling as well...
I don't travel often, mainly due to financial restraints and because I'm introverted, but I wonder if people often take me as a fool. I got some queries that can be outright ridiculous, like one person once claimed to me this state doesn't have good hospitals and insist on coming over now, while they are having cardiac/ respiratory problems. Hello?! You can't be serious, you're not going to travel 4 - 6 hours down here, don't you dare tell me there aren't any good hospitals around your area. I may not know the places well, but come on, I have friends who came from countryside areas, and there are reasonable hospitals around, not super prestige, but serviceable, unless you require special requirements...
On a happier note, eateries hours have extended. Yay, roti canai here I come. =D
*Today's case: 5,218 (Well, there goes freedom D=)