Thursday, June 3, 2021

Lockdown 3.0 Diaries #3

Feel a little sad cause a few of my necklaces broke. I managed to fix one by fixing the jump ring, but I also ordered some cords because it's easier to manage them, and for cord necklaces, I don't have to worry getting them wet. Just need to wait till I'm free to learn how to make a wire holder for to hold my gem. Pretty much this is the main reason why I learnt how to make wire jewellery because I can never find jewelleries that I like, and they are costly.  
      No cars again, although saw in the news there are still people double parking. Like, how?? How can you double park when there is not much cars around? I saw a lot of shops shuttered as I went past. My favourite fish and chips place isn't open, and I couldn't order sushi because the delivery fees is plain scary, and because I couldn't order miso ramen, I try not to order sushi through delivery to ensure freshness, but it'll be nice to get sushi once everything settles down.
      Covid cases are going up again. I still see ton of people waiting for their covid swab, which is sad. I had mine done once due to casual contact when I went to fix my laptop months back, and it wasn't pleasant. I begged the MO to get it over with, and yeah, she jabbed it all the way up to my nostrils, it made me blink back tears and made me feel a little woozy after that, but it's necessary. I wonder how some of our friends in the US can do their own swab without feeling discomfort.   
    Swore that no matter what happen I will not lose my temper, but again, and again, I still get enquiries regarding vaccination. Okay, great, you got your vaccination dates. Well done, but then here comes all the golden enquiries:
  • "Can I know what vaccines you are giving?"
  • "I don't want this vaccine. Can I get this one?"
  • "I don't want to go here. I want to come here."
  • "I got my vaccination date, but I want this vaccine. Can I get this one?"
  • "My family got their vaccination date, but can I walk in to get the balance?"
  • "How much are you offering for your vaccines? I want to buy this brand..."
     Same enquiries, different wording. I'm sorry, but no matter how many times I explain that it's not up to me, nor the healthcare facilities, the government has the final say. No matter how much your pressure, push, demand, throw tantrums, I have no say in it. People really were pushing my temper because when I stressed several times that YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHOOSE YOUR VENUE OR VACCINES, I tend to get answers like: 
  • "What do you mean I cannot choose? I don't want this brand!" 
  • "Huh? People get jabbed at your side, and you don't choose???"
  • "But - But, how can I know what vaccine I'm getting?!"
  • "What do you mean you don't know?"

Lord give me the strength. For the umpteenth time: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHOOSE YOUR VACCINES, AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHOOSE YOUR VENUE. Just sign up through the mySejahtera app, and wait. I did the same thing as well, and it took forever, but I got my jab in the end. I was really impatient too, but I forced myself to wait, because what else I could do? I'm trying not to lose temper because it's mentally draining. 
      By the way, someone persisted on calling me regarding a covid admission, and they refused to share any details. I want to help you, I really do, but if you are not planning to share any details, I can't help you. Even if the case is urgent, I need at least the basic details, otherwise how do you expect us to help?
     Okay, I'm going to stop now because my heart is pounding hard due to losing my temper. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. It has to be right? Oh yeah, I don't know why, but this pop up in my timeline. I enjoy this guy's welding, used to watch it a lot because I can't believe someone would actually attempt to make the Buster Sword which weighs a ton. Well, if you like gargantuan swords, why not?


*Today's case: 8,209 (Houston, we have a problem)