Tuesday, October 13, 2020

(Partial) Lockdown Once More

Oh come on, you haven't seen that coming?

        Ever since our digits had been going double digits, people had been predicting non-stop on how we are going to be on lockdown again. Australia is on lockdown with curfew, America's cases are still skyrocketing and our current case has went from double digit to triple digit. I can tell you that my friends has been advising me since from last month to start stocking up on essentials. Because, let's be honest here, during the first MCO, many people were panic buying. Seriously, people buying tons of instant noodles/ rice/ porridge, packaged food, toilet rolls, mineral water, bread, vegetables, meat... Shelves were often empty at times. You would think we would've learnt by now...

        Look, we are not going to bash people here, but we're tired. Frontliners are working tirelessly to keep the virus at bay, yet when the RMCO was announced, do you know what I saw? I saw people walking around as though nothing had happened, some not wearing masks, some not observing the social distancing of a metre. People had arranged tables and chairs as per guidelines and some people just have the cheek to shift the chair nearer. Signage had been put to tell you not to seat on this seat, yet I still see people ignoring the protocol. Two months of MCO, frontliners had been burnt out, unable to take break, unable to see their friends and loved ones... After several months, I finally managed to see my friend, only one or two at a time because I do not want us violating the protocol set, and we made sure to sit at the designated seat (WITH MASKS ON). Come to current time, I couldn't even see my friends right now because life was hectic and because I didn't want us to get in trouble. Not to mention I have people coming up to me telling me how they were bored for two months. Let me tell you right now, give me two months, I'll be happy to write, draw and read, plus making sweet treats (A recent new hobby).

        When RMCO was announced, what was the first thing that came? Panic buying. Please, Lord, no. I went to the grocer to get a little pick me up and I saw tons of people pushing trollies filled to the brim. When the cashier waved me over, she was shocked to see that I only bought an item. She asked me, "You're not panic buying?" I answered her nicely, "I been topping up my stuff every two weeks since last month." She then went on to tell me how yesterday when the announcement was made, the queue was long, with people panic buying, grabbing things off the shelves. Some were fortunate, but there are some who left empty-handed, whom she felt sorry for. I feel for them too. It reminded me off the first round of lockdown where most stores are closed, and everytime when you walk into shops, you see empty shelves, especially for essential goods. Even doctors walked out of shops empty handed, it's very sad. I never understood the panic buying, the government had said that we are not having a shortage of food supply, yet we are acting like we have. 

        I'm sorry if I sounded off in this post but I'm tired (and having a splitting migraine as I am writing this). Please, don't waste the people's effort in trying to curb the virus. Schools are closed again, shopping malls are also closing down... We are literally back at square one. Just stay home, find a hobby, work from home if you are required, and please practice the guidelines and protocol set by the government. Don't be one of those selfish people that goes flaunting around as though we are not in the middle of a pandemic.