Thursday, October 22, 2020

Enforced Movement Control Order - Sweet Treats, Bug Invasion and Social Media

* Today's post is something different. Since I'm on leave until next week, let's talk about what I am doing and my thoughts.

22nd October, the first day of the EMCO, nearly back to square one. With the constant rising cases, there's no other choice but to enforce the MCO once more. Since I'm still on break, might as well spend the time wisely.
        I didn't go out, mainly because I did not want to flaunt the Movement Control Order and risk getting a fine, and because I have no reason to. I'm not someone who likes going out, I prefer books (Currently reading Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, recommended by a friend). Usually on a long break, my routine is usually the same. Tidy up my place, baking cookies, making ice cream, and writing. Out of the four I mentioned, I only done tidying up and writing. Uncle Steve*, please do not jump at me (Joke), I've been trying to hit the 2,000 words per day mark on my days off. Since I've recently purchased my baking supplies (Two days ago), I thought what better time to bake and make my sweet treats.
        Since the EMCO started, I didn't want to go out unnecessarily, and since I still have some leftover baking goods which I intend to finish, I might as well finish everything off so that I can clear out the refrigerator space. Let's just say whenever I start baking, funny things tend to happen. I still had half a supply of some leftover goods from last month which I never finished, so I only needed to measure the flour. I did everything correct, except I made a mistake. The first batter I intended to make I measured the ingredients three times the amount. I foolishly forgot to measure my sugar the triple amount, but funnily the batter was sweet (to me anyway). From the start of this year, I've been trying to cut my sugar intake, so my taste buds aren't the same as before (Thanks to all the doctors and patients that I've encountered, but it's a good thing), so for my sweet treats, I usually tend to use minimal sugar. If there is just a hint of sweetness, then it's good for me. The best part, I didn't realized the mistake until I made my second batter and already started baking the first batter, when my family tasted the first batch of cookies and asked, "It's not sweet at all." I tasted it, it's soft, buttery and melts in your mouth, but they are right. I tasted the sweetness of the chocolate chip, the aroma of the walnuts, but I don't taste the sugar at all. Then I realized, I forgot to measure my sugar to the right amount. Somebody, please punch me now... :( (It wasn't disgusting, it's edible, and as mentioned, it melts in your mouth, but as my friend has often stressed, "If you are going to make something sweet, you better make sure you can taste the sugar. Go all out. Otherwise what's the point?") For those of you who are trying to go sugar free, the first batch of cookies which I made would suit you.
        The second batch of cookies turned out much better, but here's the thing. Over here, whenever it's going to rain, we tend to get invaded by what the locals usually call rain ants (Semut hujan? I can't remember. I'm going to need to check back with my friends.). They're not dangerous, but they are an absolute pest. When they come in, they come in large amounts, around double digits (?), there's too many of them. They came when I was just starting my second batch of cookies, so I was basically smashing them left, right, centre (I really cannot bugs, if I see one, sorry pal, SPLAT). They kept disturbing my batter, but I made sure none of them got into the batter. One way to get rid of them is to off the lights in the room you're in and turn on the lights in another room, and shut all your windows. If I wasn't baking, I would've gone for the bug spray, but since I couldn't risk my batter getting contaminated, I resorted to smacking them with the newspaper. (Always a classic method) The ice cream is not a big issue because I have already mix it up and popped it into the freezer. 
        While baking in between, I thought long and hard about social media. I'm not a big fan of them. I keep Facebook to stay in touch with friends, local and abroad. Blogging is something that I love because it helps me improve my writing and it's one of the best way for me to de-stress (Before I started writing books, I used to blog a lot, in a way, it was my stepping stone so I'll forever be grateful to it.) Instagram is the only other one which I keep, because whenever I want to enter some competitions the organizers usually ask for Instagram or Twitter. I'm sorry to say this, please do not take it as a bashing post, but I abhor Twitter, with Youtube running a close second, because I often see influencers doing silly things. What happened to the good old days of just going to Youtube to listen to music, drawing tutorials or whenever I want to purchase a game, I go through some of the game walkthrough to see the game's overall performance before I decide on purchasing it (I'm looking at you, Final Fantasy VII Remake, but no regrets. I always have a soft spot for Final Fantasy, and that will never change. They are one of my huge inspiration in writing) Whenever I go onto Youtube, what do I often find trending? Huge social media influencers (Not all, but some) flaunting the movement control order in their countries - Not wearing a mask, going out for large gathering, going overseas... Like why? Why do you have to do that? Is your health not important at all? At the end of the day, whatever I say probably won't make a difference, because I can't force you to stay at home to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. As my teacher often told me, you can bring the horse to the pond, but you can't force it to drink the water. Twitter is the same for me, which is why I never bothered to make an account. I'm sorry, but thinking about me gives me anxiety, but I just need to get it off my chest. 

*If you have a Twitter or Youtube account, it's okay. I'm not condemning you, you're free to support the app and platform however you like.
        I'm really thankful that Blogspot is one of the few places that it's safe, with a supportive community so that I (and many other fellow bloggers) could share our thoughts, opinions. But you know, at the end of the day, come to think of it, social media is not evil or toxic at all. It's the people behind them that tend to misuse. That's why wise people often said social media is a double-edged sword. Maybe you can describe it better than me, but that's just how I think. 
        That pretty much sums up my day for today. God, I really hate those ants. I don't want to put up a picture because it's disgusting, instead I'll draw for you. 

This is pretty much how I feel whenever I see bugs. Pardon my drawing, I'm an amateur. 

*Uncle Steve = Steven King

If you are feeling down, try watching this. It's funny (to me anyway)

Stephen King Cameo | It Chapter Two 

If Uncle Steve have not been a writer, he would've made a great actor/ comedian.
        Sorry if this post is a little weird, as I have to stressed repeatedly, I am not condemning social media, it's one of the many tools I use to keep in touch with friends besides good old email. I still use Youtube for music and gaming reviews, with the occasional commentary (some people's voice are just so soothing) in the background while I'm doing something else, but something that I rather stay away from.

*Today's case: 847 (Oh God)