Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Lockdown 3.0 Diaries #37

 Morning shift, time to pick up where we left off, but first, hor fun soup...

    Today isn't too bad, I had a nice long conversation with a doctor. I mentioned to them recently I've been thinking of doing freelancing editing but I don't feel like charging, due to hard times and because...I don't know, I just don't think I'm alright for the job. They told firmly, "You've been writing books for a long time, and you have been knocking down your book prices so cheaply (The local books I have in stock, not the US-based books). Isn't it time for you to start charging a little bit for the effort you have put into?" I know, it's like a relative of mine who charges high prices for their handcraft work. It's not about the materials they have explained to me, it's the effort. For example, a cloth bag pack made from scratch would cost high due to the duration and service it cost to make, roughly six months. It's the same reason why luxury goods like Gucci and LV are ridiculously high, because there's only one craftsman who will create that particular piece. Once it's gone, it's gone. They mentioned it's a little the doctor's side as well, it's not about feeling bad, sometimes you need to recognize your worth, and I've been writing since 2008, but I self-published in 2012 because at that time, resources are extremely limited and I have no experience in publishing. You know what's tomorrow topic going to be...

    No beds again, so strike hard and fast, meaning if it's a good case, to the waiting list. Not good cases, call 999 or head to the nearest government hospital emergency department. Do not delay, just hurry up and get help, please. 

    I'm sincerely tired, because I gotten yelled, screamed at just because I can't meet demands. I'm sorry, I'm sorry that we don't have enough beds to accommodate everyone, I'm sorry that we can't take heavy cases due to the fact that everywhere the ICU beds are at maximum capacity. I can't tell you how many times I have to apologize because we can't take the cases in. It's pretty much a fight for survival now. There's nothing much we can do anymore, and once again, don't depend fully on your health insurance. It's hard to claim fully back, I once had to go back and forth regarding a claim, trust me, it takes a toll on the mental health, I was willing to throw the amount to clear off my debt but my doctor was willing to fight for me to get full coverage, which I'm grateful. 

    You know I screwed up a lot of times, and I tend to beat myself down a lot, and my doctor told me it's high time to recognize my self-worth. This is why I pity the artist I admired, because everything he does, people tend to bash him. At the same time, I respect him as a small, indie writer (me) to a huge content creator, because he kept going despite all the hardships. So, kudos to you, sir, you keep doing you. I enjoyed your music, they kept me going during my lowest lows and night shifts. 

    Sorry this post is a little short. I'm really tired, and I'm feeling down. Tomorrow I'll be off duty, so at least I'll get to edit my manuscript while turning up the volume of my favourite music. 

*Today's case: 7,097 (A friend of mine joked there's a lot of 7s. 7,777? I'm joking...)