13th November (Thursday) - Running up and down is no easy task, which is basically what I ended up doing because most of the seniors are busy and one girl is too junior to do the job, so I ended up doing the job. Running to attend the patients, sending them up and down. And my legs ended up being like jelly. The only good point is... the patient appreciated what we done. She thanked us sincerely, and the attendant and I sank into our chairs when we reached back. No easy task. And I was actually halfway doing the Resus Trolley check. Oh yes, I started doing Resus checking, which involves getting the super big folder of Resus Trolley Inventory and checking off the equipments in the list, and checking our brand new Defribillator Machine, making sure it's in order. It took me an hour, but at least I did my job properly instead of just randomly seeing and chucking everything in the drawers.
God, no waffles. Argh, how many time had I placed my waffles order and it always runs out?! My luck is so rotten. I need my waffles dipped in chocolate for stress relievant besides my books. I give up, I think I better stick to Fruity Mentos. Ohhh, how I miss my waffles. :(
This time around, we had three discharges, oh the relief. But a certain patient made us pissed. Not the patient technically,but her mother. Yep, it's her alright, the patient whose mother complains a lot. She's being discharged today, and she's supposed to leave by 2 pm, unfortunately even til 4.30, the insurance still hasn't processed. So she signed the Leave At Your Own Risk Form and shouted at all of us for poor service. Sigh, we all knew she's going to act like that. Didn't I told her on her very first day, anything you want to complain, fill in the customer feedback form? Well, whatever. There's a saying that goes, if you hate the place and service so much, then why bother coming? She loved to say that hospital A and B are so much better, so why not go there? Then you'll be happy, we'll be happy and everyone gets a happy ending.
In between, I followed the doctor's rounds, while I got a surprise. My old patient with the colonstomy came back. Oh dear. When I asked her why she came back, she answered she couldn't eat due to poor appetite. Judging from her appearance, she certainly lost some weight, because she looks like a stick, compared to last time where she's thin, but no so thin like now.She requested me to wash her colonstomy bag, which I did with pride, finally being able to perform it without relying on others for help. It's just that this time, I emptied the bag first instead of flushing to get an accurate reading, then using the sterile water, flush her bag and made it clean for her. Since her maid is there, she helped me, having learnt the colonstomy flushing form various nurses. ^^
We got a call from OT to fetch a patient back but she's going to HDU for close monitoring, since she's only a child. She's going for a tonsillectomy but even so. One of the senior asked whether I sent a patient to HDU before and I replied, yes, I certainly did once. So she said, "Okay then, kiddo. You are the best person for the job. So go and get the patient and take her HDU." Well, if she says like that, it means she has trusted me to bring the patient to HDU. This senior, she's okay, but she has no patience for teaching, so you have to learn fast and be able to do it and she will like you. So I went to get the patient, sent her to HDU, settled her down, then wrote my report and passed over to the HDU nurse. She's so cute, and very brave. Only 6 year old, but she's not like some kids whom I attended, who often scream 'blood murder' on the top of their voice. She's so quiet. and when I asked her any pain, she's shakes her head, or when I ask her does she feel like vomiting, she answered, "Don't feel like it." We haven't adjusted the bed fully and she was about to swing herself down from the bed. So brave, although we stopped her from swinging down til we adjusted the bed fully. Then her mother said she's the bravest out of her three children, and I asked her whether she's the eldest and she answered, "No, she's my middle girl. I got an elder girl and a younger boy. Out of all my kids, she's the most dependent. Middle children are often the most bravest, don't you think so, nurse?" I have to agree with her there, middle children are often extra-ordinary, seeing as I have friends who are also middle child.
After my complete passover, I returned to the ward at 8 pm, staggering due to not having eaten anything from the start of my shift. The senior patted me on the back and said, "Alright, go and have your dinner." Whew, thank God. And that pretty much ends today. How fun. =D
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