23rd October (Thursday) - Back in the same ward again, and it's round two for the continuous noon shift. Today from 8 patients, we gained 4 more. HDU was all empty, and all I ended up doing was hopping up and down as though I'm on the choo-choo express. Send a patient to the 2nd floor for removal of pig-tailed drain, collect blood from the 1st floor, go back up to the 2nd floor to send the blood to the OT, run to get a patient back from ECHO. Barely after that, I did blood transfusion checking with another staff, hourly observation, call bells and the usual. Oh and Endoscope too. Remember the lady whom I aspirated with the coffee ground and such? She got her NG tube removed today, so no more aspirating. Thank heavens for that.
The real running up and down began at about 5pm, It's the time where many of the patients on our side are going for op, and I checked the HDU booking and we had a full house. What I didn't know was there's not just the usual 3, but more than that. After a quick dinner of waffles and Milo, I had to run to get a patient from the OT. What I didn't know, a girl had already went down and the post op orders had already been passed. What??? Did I hear my orders wrong? I was supposed to take this patient, Mdm So-and-So, under Prof So-and-So, but how come another girl is already there before me? When we got back, everyone was like, "Whaaaat? Why is there another girl with your patient?" And I went, "Isn't this my patient? Mdm So-and-So, under Prof So-and-So?" And they were all, "Yes, you girl, whose patient you were supposed to take?" And the girl said Prof xxx. Now things made sense. That girl was supposed to take another patient, but she misheard, and took mine instead. Then I told her to pass all the post op orders to the TL since I missed the entire thing and went to settle the patient. Thank God it wasn't me or the seniors might um, 'strangle' me, like those cartoon style.
Okay moving on, the girl finally got her right patient, and because HDU were flooding with tons of patients coming in at the same time, we were all hopping and helping the patients there too. Nutty. And just as I had settled three more patients whom all just came back from OT, another patient needs to be brought back to our ward. Yikes, crazy. So, before I passed my shift over, I hurry to the OT, get my patient back, transfer her back, rush my report, help a prof in translating and finally, finally, my shift's done. Ugh., my mind is basically juggled, like scrambled eggs. The TL then told me, "You better go to Ogawa once you're free." And, cause my mind is already scrambled, I was, "Whaaaat? You want me to go to OGAWA?" And the TL looked at me funnily and answered, "The massage chair brand, kiddo." Ohhhhh. For a second there I thought she wanted me to take a one day tour to Japan on my day off. Heehee. My bad, my bad.
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