Monday, October 27, 2014

Marshmallow and Day Off Emergency

27th October (Tuesday) - Although it is my day off, I'm here to update the events of my past few days. Noon to morning shift and then two days off.  To start off, during noon shift, I'm finally allowed to do checking of blood with the staff due to lack of seniors. I wished I could transfuse blood to brush up my practice bur for some reason it always ends up on the wrong time, like when I'm doing my doctor's rounds, doing some other procedures, or picking up things from below. Argh, I think I have the most crappiest timing in the world, but no matter, there will always be one or two due to the constant case of chemotherapies in the ward.
Moving on, we got a Datin in the ward, she's an okay person, but what I can't stand is her entire family or village are always crowding in the room. Seriously, there are always thirty plus people in her room, and little kids running around the place. A few times some of the senior nurses had grumbled because they are always running and screaming around the ward corridors, which is dangerous. What if they slip and fall? The blame is going to go to us. It happened before. Not kids, remember the story I mentioned? The one with the hot porridge? Exactly. Datin is always on the chair, while her grandchildren are all playing with the bed remote. According to one of the senior staff who went to serve her medicine, the kids had made the bed into a V shape. Imagine that, and they were playing on the bed. The nurse got so worried that she adjusted the bed back. And sadly to say, the family, friends all ignored her.
I finally get to administer insulin for uncle. Oh yes. I used to do things the old fashioned way, with the tuberculin syringe. But now it's all about insulin pen, pen, pen. I really dislike insulin pen for one reason only. The needle. It has a small cover that you have to gently loosen it, otherwise you'll end up with a needle stick injury. A colleague of mine gotten poked by it before because he twisted too hard. Luckily it was a new needle, if it's an old one...*shudders* And I gave it to uncle while the other girl fed him. Uncle must be tired seeing my face all the time. ^.^
I did some of the pre and post op stuff due to everyone being busy. Some of the OT staff seemed to remember me, cause they were 'You again???" Nevertheless, they handed me the patient and I hand things over to them. What to do...This is what happens when you have lack of staff, or everyone is busy til you have to do it. I even got nicknamed a marshmallow. "Too fair, too nice and too soft," according to one of the OT boys when I sent the patient down with him.
I seemed to be tense lately because I can't seem to focus on what others are saying. They were like, "Are you kidding? We been saying it since from just now..." Then they said while it is good that I focus on the work before me, I shut out things around me. "Relax, kiddo. You got to let your walls down. Don't be tense or you won't survive your job." Oh, okay. I seemed to have built my walls a little too high.
The following day is basically a repetition of yesterday, since I was in the noon shift. Morning is just like normal, sponge, linen and then doctor's rounds. The only thing that happened is when I did the routine observation, most of my patients are having high blood pressure. SAY WHAT???? And all my colleagues laughed and joked, "Most likely you are too pretty so the blood pressure shot up." ^.^ Thank you for the compliment. although my mother always say that I'm ugly.The only thing that spoiled my mood is in the Datin's room. Her blood pressure was okay, but the daughter is such a.....I'm not going to say anything, but she kept demanding me to check the blood pressure over and over again. Arghhh, she's not having hypertension, alright?! Don't get me wrong. Datin is an okay lady, but the daughter is so.... She was even shouting at us about the oxygen leaking and are we trying to blow them all up, cause what if someone brought a lighter and cause an explosion. "HOW?!" "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" Those were what she's saying. She's very lucky we are all nice and swallow the insult and screams and went to get a portable oxygen tank. We been trying to get maintenance since from just now, but no luck.
The following day I have to attend a cousin's wedding, where my first aid skills were put to the test for the first time. My nephew banged his nose against the door and ended up having a bleeding nose. I saw all of my relatives tilting his head back. Oh, heaven, save me. My dad then said to me, you are a nurse, help him. What can I do? I didn't want to interfere, but my family shoved me to the front line. So, the first thing I demanded was tilt  his head down, and everyone went, "NO! What are you doing?!" I then explained to them whenever there is a nosebleed, always tilt the head DOWN, not UP. Because when you tilt the head back, the blood might form clots and may cause difficulty in breathing. When they go it, they allowed me to do the job. My tutor explained in first aid emergencies like this, you are not armed with your medical tools, Since I was in a restaurant, I ordered the waiter to get me a napkin and lots of ice, and they did just that. Hands shaking, but my mind firm, I made an ice bag from the napkin and apply it on my cousin's nose and forehead, alternating each parts, while telling him to breathe normally, but don't blow his nose hard. My uncles and aunties were asking me whether he should go to the clinic and I said, he'd better. But it was after 10 and most clinics are closed by that time, I told them to get to the nearest ER and have him checked. Once we managed to control the bleeding, he was whisked off to get further care. I must say it's rather different from acting in the classrooms. I was in half-panic but at least I managed to do something. Who knew those first aid skills could come in so handy in a restaurant?
Well, I'm beat and I got to work noon shift tomorrow. Over and out. ;)

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