Saturday, October 4, 2014

Discharge Dash

4th October (Saturday) - Morning again, and I got my next roster. Man, it looks bad. I got slammed by my first ever noon shift for Saturday, which means no more Japanese class, on a plus note, I got a Sunday morning at last, which means I can go out on Sunday noons. I have a Friday day off, which is alright. I'll just be happy with what I get.
So coming to work, I'm finally back at the ward, and what do you know, tons of discharges. But there are some really bad patients, bad not as in bad-hearted, but more of thinking too much til they have to question every little things and freak out like, "Nurse! Nurse! There's blood in the tubing!"."Nurse! Nurse! There's so much blood in the drain! Do something!" "Oh my God, is it an open incision? Is she anaemic?" Okay, it's not that I can't answer most of the stuff, but it's better to let the prof handle this. I mean, for goodness sake, there are some things we can't just simple answer. The tubing and the drain, I can handle it. But other family members asking about the procedures? Lucky I was smart enough to consult the senior staff and she told me, "There are certain parts we can't answer. Tell them to wait for the prof." So I just answered the family back to wait for the prof and they grumbled but this is to maintain confidentiality and professionalism.
Then I followed a few profs around. Well, two. Good enough, simple orders for discharges. Unfortunately they weren't the only one, four or five profs came at the same time and they were all discharges, discharges, discharges... Aiyaiyai, We were all rushing to fill in our reports, the discharge forms, the system, and most importantly, the billing. Because Monday is a public holiday, so everyone wants to discharge. Poor billing department. They had a major traffic jam thanks to tons of discharges rushing in like a tidal wave. Not just our ward but the others as well. More than half of their patients are rushing to go home. If you are using cash or credit, then it'll be fast, but if you use insurance, you'll end up waiting more than two hours plus. Sad. That's why we were rushing our reports billing.
The favourite uncle of ours, he's not so jolly anymore. :( I really don't know what's wrong with him. He has the PEG inserted as planned, but he's not happy, just moody. He refused shower until about 11 plus, I squared myself firmly and wake him up, gently but firmly, because when I was a student, I used to wait for patients to call, but my CI told me, when it's near noon time, you have no choice but to wake the patient and get them to shower. After some talking, with some help, we decided to sponge him. I also did his feeding and he's a little happy, like his old self. I wonder if he's frustrated because he couldn't achieve his goals? It's not my business to dive into personal matters, but I hope he goes back to his jolly self, with some help and encouragement.

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