Friday, September 5, 2014

Near End of Office Shift

5th September (Friday) - Oh God, oh God, I know Friday is suppose to be a fun day, okay, not fun exactly, but a happy day but argh, it seems that everything bad happens to me on Fridays. Sigh... Here we go, Freaky Friday.
Starting off, bed-making and shower. Since most of the patients had been there for a while. they know me well so things are all just fine. A long term lady didn't want to shower early so I just took her to the washroom and asked her to call if she wants to go for a bath. Then I have to rush for another patient who needs a bath. After that it's off to the call bells and the occasional in-betweens. Since there are two new girls, I'm not much of a senior in the ward yet, but because of the lack of senior staff and the busy schedule of the ward, I have to teach them the basic stuff like bed-making, feeding and the basic writing of a report. Since we're so short on staff, I have to multi-task as a runner nurse and clerk. And because once again senior staff nurse are busy handling the prof and major stuff, I have to send a patient to the Day Care Surgery for a minor surgery. Seeing as how I already had experience sending a patient to the day care, it was simple enough for me. I just hand over the folder only this time, I have to stay with the patient instead of going back. Lucky I kept the ward number for emergencies. Anyway, I was suppose to be there for ten minutes, unfortunately, due to several delayed moments, I ended up being there for an hour plus. Thank goodness the new girls just came in, so things should be alright. I kept asking the sister to get a cup of tea or coffee from the cafeteria but she's too worried and kept assuring that she'll wait together with me. To pass the time, we chatted a little, not about the surgery, but society stuff and a little about of ourselves. When the OT nurse finally called us, I went in to collect the patient and the folders with the post op orders. The funniest part was the prof and I tried calling the ward, but because we both didn't have the code, we couldn't contact the ward. Oh dear, lucky the staff helped us out by entering the code so that we could get the ward.
When we went back to the ward, I told the sister that she can give her something to eat as long as it's cold, not hot. Once an hour has passed, she can try something warm then we'll slowly move on to the hot stuff. She was so grateful and touched that I stayed with her and her sister for a long time that she brought me chocolates and ice cream as thanks, even though I told her it's alright and I couldn't take it, but she insisted, so I had no choice but to accept them, sincerely thanking her for her kindness.
After that, I followed a prof to be a witness for consent for the first time, handle some clerk job as the clerk was occupied with other important stuff, and hurriedly tidy up the counter because the big boss is coming. Then my roster finally came out, starting from next week, I'll be working 6 days a week and in shift. Noooo.

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