8th September (Monday) - Aaand I'm back once again, a new week, a new day. Supposingly I'm supposed to start my shift today but I'm stuck in laundry for two days, Can I just say... Laundry is no picnic. Every single linen has to be counted (that's not so bad yet) to make sure all the linen are in, it's the folding part that drives me insane. Each and every linen have their own way of folding. Linens, there are three types, red, black (thick linen) and black (thin linen), baby wrappers (pink and blue), baby cot sheet, draw sheets, three types of gown in different shades of the same colour, blankets, bed sheet... All have their own way of folding. And the only ones which I'm confident with are sarongs and gowns.
Folding is the most torturous part of the whole process. My whole arms are aching, my mind is nothing but a muddled mess and my legs are shaking from standing so long. Ugh, now I really appreciate the job of taking care of my patients. Who would've thought laundry is a really tiring work. I tell you, after this, I will never ever say anything bad about laundry ever again. Really. Oh yes, never ever.
Tomorrow is the last day of my posting, then day off, and starting off to the shift work. No more Saturdays, no more Sundays off. One random day off on weekdays only. D:
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