10th February (Tuesday) - One girl and I were rushing madly to clock in, and lucky us, even though my clock says 7, the system says we got another 4 more minutes before it's officially 7. So we both clock in and ran like mad to the ward and everyone was looking at me, "No worries kiddo. Others haven't arrived yet and we haven't started report yet." Thank God, I dumped my bags on my seat and got my breath back. Okay, same old patients, off to bed-making.
Things were a little slow at first, but picked up once I had my brunch after 10.30. Admissions, especially children, kept rushing in. Our counters are packed with children and anxious parents. With some people who demanded for rooms now and refusing to register since as they claimed, "We came form so far and we got an appointment. Why should we register?"Seriously, what is wrong with people nowadays? Did they think this is a hotel? Just barge in and demand for rooms? I mean, even hotels have their own standard protocols of registering and deposit, not just jumping in and demanding for a room.
Then of course there is the usual doctors rounds. I guess everyone are anxious to rush things so that they can go off for Chinese New Year. Insane, although most of them are going for angio today. And they waited and waited. Well, who says angio is fast? Of course everybody wish to get things over with, but there are certain time limits you know.
A few of our long term patients were bored, mainly because they were all already okay, just left with drains but all of them are anxious to go home. Well, who doesn't? If it were me, I will be eager to go home. Pity my poor patient whose antibiotic is due for another month. He's so frustrated til I went over to talk to him. He wants to travel around the world as a bag packer, and he already booked tickets in advance to Taiwan in May and hoped he could go, except his condition may need a lot more antibiotic, depending on how his blood is.
Then there were two kids who are confirmed for admission. so as always, there's the ARGHHHHHHH. Meaning: Baby screams and you feel like tearing your hair off because you are unable to do full admissions. my case, the baby was nice and cooperative. In fear of setting line, I quickly applied cream all over the place where it's needed. Thank God.
There's another baby who had been screaming and brawling his head off. His name sounded familiar, I can't put my finger on it until I met the parents. Ohhh, he's the kid who used to be in our ward, but he sure had grown up. I struggled with him to apply the emla cream, but it's no easy feat. He basically struggled tooth and nail with me and even got in a few punches but I managed.
Then his mother called and asked me to reapply again. Just as I finished, prof came. Uh-oh. But he took a long time examining the baby and thank goodness, the baby is so much better after the nebulizer. Best part, no need drip after he drank one bottle of milk down. Whaa-t??? What about my hard work??? D: The mother laughed and said sorry to me since I basically did the second one so much better and prof said no need drip. Joker. And I got punched for nothing. Oh well. At least the baby didn't have to suffer another poking. He's already traumatized by nurses due to his previous experience. And my back is basically aching from all the running.
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