Friday, January 23, 2015

Holding Prof's Hands

23rd January (Friday) - Once upon a time, some people always loved to complain how I never follow doctors in their rounds. Well, with shortage of staff and the amount of double shift locums going on now, the moment I drop one folder, another prof come and I'll be taking his hands to the patient, and the cycle goes on and on until they stop coming. This pretty much shows how crazy it is. Certain profs I managed to catch their style, but those who rarely comes, I'm not too familiar, unless you count my big brother (cough, cough) whom after I get the major bullocking in the first round, I was able to catch his style after that.
Certain profs have their own certain styles. There are the perfectionist types, like my big brother who expects 120% out of everyone, which means you got to know what he wants and prepare it before he comes. There's another prof whom I don't really know well but he gets very annoyed if you don't know his style. Whenever he does an operation, he expects to have scalpel blades ready to open the op site dressing. If you ran out of scalpel blades,you're going to have to search every single nook and cranny til you find one. If you don't, he'll start being ballistic.
Then are the happy-go-lucky types. Sure they are profs, with years of experience, and are tip top in their speciality, But if you expect them to be tigers, threatening to bite your head, well, they don't, actually. Instead they joke around with you and patients, as evidenced by one of the profs I often follow around. He looks mature, had appeared on several TV shows to give advice on health, but he acts like a teenager. Seriously, he treats patients like little children and he love to make jokes with all the nurses. Of course, some of them are strict, but not to the point of perfection.
Then there's the type who rushes. As in, everything they do is super fast, and if you can't keep up with them you are history. One thing I always keep in my pocket are stacks of paper. Everything they say, I jot down in quick speed, then I double check with their notes. Some profs don't bother to write, so it means whatever you heard and written down is something to take notice of. Only certain few are like that, most profs will write down their orders, even if some does looks like chicken tracks or squiggly worms (I mean no offence, it's just a descriptive.)
Then we have the nice ones. They are nice and you won't feel tense with them, but certain things, like Cardiologists and Nephrologists take certain care on I/O charts, so if you miss updating on them, you'll get a major yelling from them. Some may just look calm on the outside, but on the inside, they are fuming, seething to the point where they'll complain to the CI or Sister. Very dangerous, so keep your guards up and be on your toes on all time. After assisting so many profs in blood taking and branulla insertion, I think I had enough blood for a life time. One more day to day off.

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