4th Week of MCO
Government came onto the news. Announced that due to the constant rising cases, MCO is extended. Most people just accepted it resignedly. Honestly, we don't really mind MCO anymore, because here are the good points:
- No traffic jam (The constant dilemma)
- Tons of free parking (Yay! No need to constantly drive around in circles looking for an empty space)
- No crowd (I'll explain this one a little, what I mean is you don't see a huge family involving grandparents and kids out in the open. You'll usually only see one person who is in charge of buying groceries and supplies for the family)
The cons: Hoo boy. Where to even begin? MCO seemed to have brought out the worst of people. I rather not list it down because you'll see more strange, bad things down the line.
Same old same old. Not many people around. Our blood bank is running low on blood due to the pandemic affecting everyone. Since there's no blood drive, we are in a pinch. People seemed to think, "Oh, but we have enough blood out there right?" Hell no. If you look at the statistics we are actually having a shortage of blood supply. For example: traumatic cases like accident require at least 2 pints of blood. Brain surgery, not so much, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. There was one time I attended a case where the patient was vomiting fresh blood and my colleague and I rushed her to emergency. This was during lunch hour by the way so there's no one around except us on standby. Thank heavens that there's a whole team standby and they needed a blood transfusion immediately, and guess what happened. Shortage of blood supply. So what's next? Use up your universal stock AKA O negative. Usually this is a last resort because in the event of an emergency and you do not know the victim's blood type, O negative is the safest.
Doctors are trying not to do surgeries unnecessarily but I encountered a weird family for pre-op. Since they only speak Mandarin (ugh, I may put up a post one day, just not right now...), they had a lot of questions regarding the pre-op. I don't now what they discussed with the doctor since I wasn't in the clinic, I only got a rough summary regarding that the doctor mentioned something and they weren't happy about it. Customer service got involved and the story went something like this...
*Story is edited to protect confidentiality and privacy.
- Patient was scheduled for op on next week. Doctor advised them to check on something (something related to the blood bank).
- Patient wasn't happy, miscommunication (?) Went to customer service to complain how can we have a supply shortage of blood.
Oh for crying out loud. Sometimes, things are just beyond our control. Blood bank shortage... That's because due to the pandemic, there weren't any blood drives, furthermore, as mentioned before, blood were needed to be on standby for traumatic cases (Emergency, accident, sudden excessive hemorrhaging) God, what on earth happened in there? Guess I'll never find out since I only had the brief story.
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