Wednesday, March 30, 2016

All In One

30th March (Wednesday) - I'm so sorry for the super long delay.Our house was in the middle of a large renovation, and our internet got cut off. Not on purpose, though. The front is being renovated, which means we all to use the side door. No kitchen, hence we're all living on takeouts for the past month. And the house still isn't done yet, for your info. Thank goodness my room is the only one which does not needs to be renovated, but I do wish I could get a built in bookshelf for all my books, but there's no more space and it's costly, so scratch that. I pray that it'll be all done soon.  
Once again, I'm the subject of being yelled at by patients. It's really amazing how one thing links to another. On Saturday, some guy from the west came, demanding to see the doctor (Not my usual doctor, another one). I couldn't remember the patient at first, but his name was definitely not on the appointment list, so I have no idea what's going on. After they made one hell of a noise, I called the doctor on his cell and naturally, he raised his voice. Not pissed off, but more like annoyed. After a long conversation, he finally said, "Call the patient to come over to emergency." So naturally, the patient did.
Not long after that, I got a phone call, which I answered, and the family from the west yelled at me. Uh huh. No good morning, no niceties. Just yelled at me like a mad dog. Oh, now I remember she called me on Wednesday morning to fix an appointment for her dad on Friday. Yep, I saw my handwriting with a remark on the side. After that, there's no more. She claimed that she called me 5 minutes later to change the appointment. I do not buy that. I was in the whole time. And I don't recall her calling because I was right beside the phone the whole time. It's really amazing how some people can twist the story to make them look like the innocent party. Now, I'm not saying all of our patients are like that. Out of ten, maybe one or two will do something funny like this. But many patients I've seen so far are kind, funny and understanding. Some even crack jokes with us regarding their conditions, how getting a surgical scar is like a signature from the surgeons, some brought us tons of food as thanks, some also complimented us though the feedback forms. Yeah, it's not all doom and gloom as it seems. Anyway, back on track, the patient claimed that the doctor I'm with don't know anything, and when I told her the doctor asked her family to go over to the emergency department, she, in a very haughty tone, said, "Your doctor is no genius. I'm sure he can't remember every single thing on a patient. You need to courier the file over to the hospital."


What the- CHRIST, listen to yourself, do you know how ridiculous it sounds? What do you think this is? Some mail office where we can just send things over in a courier bag? For the last time, you CAN'T courier/ fax/mail/ a folder over to another hospital. It's against the law, and it's hospital property!!!!! Not to mention we can be hold liable if things go terribly wrong. And how dare she challenge my doctor that way. I may not know him as well as my other doctor, but I worked with him long enough to know that he knows his patients very well, especially his old patients. And this man, the patient, her dad, happens to be a regular customer. And you know what else she said? She claimed that my doctor failed in the surgery. It's taking all of my willpower, not to mention mentality, to scream at the daughter and her smug know-it-all-attitude. Really, I dealt with so many difficult customers (and I'm still not done yet), and she is one of the worst. In the end, after I refuse to budge, she slammed the phone down, after claiming that things will go horribly wrong once my doctor goes to the emergency department. I know she's upset and all, but please, there's a limit on how much I can take too. God, I'm going to Starbucks and get a large sugarless Chocolate Cream Chip. What a fiasco, I need something bitter to drown myself in.
We're not done yet, how about the time where I was attacked for no reason, regarding something I did not do. Really, when everything goes wrong, look for her. You know, that pale girl cause she's as squish as a marshmallow. Just because I do not bite back doesn't mean I can be reckoned with. I already let out my dark side once with a whole load of bloodys, and people were all freaked, because I had never, ever yelled like that, nor have I raised my voice. Yes, I do get irritated and all, but so far I managed to control myself. I really don't know what are these people playing at, but there's no more reason to let my guard down anymore. Now I got to think like a survivor instead of being all-nice.
I wish I could rant more, but at this rate I don't think one post will be enough. Some more I'm so exhausted from this whole thing till I feel like sleeping and wish everything will just go away. But this is life we're talking about, so no chance.
By the way, that children song I was singing. It's actually a really old Japanese song. Here it is :

かごめかごめ 籠の中の鳥は

いついつ出やる 夜明けの晩に   

Kagome kagome
Kago no naka no tori wa
Itsu itsu deyaru
Yoake no ban ni
Tsuru to kame ga subetta
Ushiro no shoumen daare

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