Tuesday, March 30, 2021


Terrible news. My supernatural demon slayers sequel file died... The 70 percent edited version. I'm such a fool for putting so much faith in a closed someone, who was unsympathetic because they yelled at me for forking out the money (few hundreds) to buy the original Microsoft license product. Well, the IT guy called his Microsoft engineer and said that my license expired 2 months ago, even though I have bought a license online because I blindly trusted them who bought it for rm12....online. This just shows I should just follow my gut and buy original things especially for Microsoft, because do you really want it to happen again? Do you want my whole file to die off again, especially when I got stuff lined up to tackle ? Anyway, I managed to save a complete unedited, raw, copy (500+ pages) in my external drive but I'll have to start all over again for editing. Most likely I'm going to put it out for free because it won't be as good as the original.

This is also a good lesson for me to stop blindly trusting someone because as someone who writes as a side income freelancer, I cannot afford to lose any of my manuscripts. 8 years worth of writing, nearly 700 pages, all gone down the drain, just like that. My file died on Sunday at the crack of dawn (5.48 am to be exact) due that my lappy was undergoing an update, and I foolishly thought, "Oh, my file should be saved because I store it on OneDrive (been doing it for many years), and it's auto-saved." How wrong I was, the whole file was corrupted beyond repair. I tried everything the internet mentioned, retrieve it manually through text recovery, manual converter, open and repair, inserting some thingamajingy to refresh my whole system. You name it, I done it. I even asked the IT expert and the Microsoft Engineer if I paid for the OneDrive, will I be able to retrieve it back. They told me gently even if I paid for it now, I won't be able to retrieve the file anymore because the data has been corrupted, in other words, died. They told me I have to accept the fact that my baby (cliché, I know) of 8 years is gone.
I'm not going to lie, I cried every day since it happened. I kept thinking if only I had been more careful. In other words, I'm going to have to change up my routine of 13 years because I do not want a second time to happen. I don't think I can cope a second time.
Usual routine: 1)Write one chapter each in new file. (Editing as I go)
2) Compile all into one manuscript (New file again)
3) Edit (Saving every six months into external drive)
4) Final checks, edit, save
5) Final, final run through and publish
Number 3 is going to have to be save everywhere, every minute, every hour.
Don't tell me to relax and get over it, because it's too raw for me. One of a writer's biggest fear is losing a whole manuscript, especially one that is about to be completed. No wonder why I have seen writers and manga-kas throwing in the towel when their entire story goes missing, but I'm trying not to, since I got a raw manuscript in my hand, I'm going to try and edit it once more, but as mentioned, it won't be as good as the original, so I'll most likely be giving five-fingers discount (It definitely won't be in Amazon, because till this day, they refused to allow me to put things for free, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it), because it wouldn't seem fair to ask people to pay.
Sorry for disappointing everyone.
RIP my 8-year-old baby.
PS: Next time I'm getting a new lappy or something, I'm going to make sure someone installs a fully licensed Microsoft product into it. Take my money, I just don't want the same fate happen to my other manuscripts.
PSS: Someone told me to write my other manuscripts, I tried. I couldn't. I am crying too hard to even think straight, not to mention I'm not how I once was, able to juggle many projects at once (due to demanding workload and because it was taking a toll on my mental health, especially the last major novel I worked on because I was spending sleepless nights to get the story done before the deadline), because this manuscript is something I have been working on for years, and it's the conclusion to my Supernatural series, which means I may not be writing it anymore (Who knows? Lloyd and I have been together since early 2008. I say it's high time he deserves a break...)

Monday, March 15, 2021

Interesting Phone Calls I Received #7 (Dumpster Fire)


Source: donald smack, published on 8th February 2010 by Capripcorn21

Same, Donald, same. I wish I could do the same to some difficult people, but you know what? This is part of the package in servicing line, let's go. We will be using Final Fantasy characters' name again.

I Want to Get Admit NOW

For some reason, whenever I'm alone because at one point I was covering after office hours. and Jesus Christ, the public demanded that we have to get them admitted in NOW. The reason why we try to do it within office hours because we have sufficient manpower. When you tend to come in after office hours, we do not have sufficient manpower, meaning the potential of encountering emergency is plain scary. A recent event scared us where Kain nearly ended up fainting due to not having enough carbs and sugar. It's a good thing we have alerted the emergency team down there where the team immediately hooked Kain with an IV Drip.

Wow, The Virus Sure Spread Fast...

We have families who came in by the drove. One person gets it, chances of other family members getting it are also high. I have encountered patients who went, "Huh? I tested two days ago and was negative, but I tested today and it came out positive." Well, yeah, this is why whenever someone calls up to query if they should do a covid test. I say, do it, especially if you are a close contact. Don't take things too lightly. Get yourself checked for a peace of mind. 

I Have The Money, Give Me The Vaccine NOW

Ever since the covid vaccine touched down in our country, I kid you not, we got every Toms, Dicks, Harrys and Karens coming in demanding for the vaccine. When we said we have to await further instructions from the Ministry of Health and government, that the first phase is only for frontliners and that the public has to wait for further instructions. Good God, let me tell you the common stuff I hear from the phone calls, whatsapps and emails coming in.

  • "When will we get the vaccine?"
  • "How much are you charging for the vaccine? I'll pay you, name you price."
  • "I don't want to go to the government sector, I trust the private sector!"
  • "What mySejahtera? I refuse to register because I don't want to go to the government!"
  • "I want to be put on a waiting list, I don't care! Put me on the waiting list!"
  • "You're hiding the vaccine! Release it to the public!"


Created on 01/08/2019, 14:48:05 by KylieLaing

Created on 17/02/2018, 23:06:50 by Unknown Creator

Look, I get it that you want the vaccine. Everyone does, but at the end of the day, I'm just like you. I haven't got my vaccine, neither of us have it yet, yet everyone is pointing fingers at us, coming up with various conspiracy theories. I'm sorry, but the government had already stressed from the moment the vaccine first touched down, the first phase is mainly for frontliners. Majority of the enquiries that came in weren't frontliners, just people who are scared of missing out. This is why you need to keep yourself up to date with the government news. Do not give us that bull that you refused to use the mySejahtera because you don't want to go to the government sector for a jab. And let us be frank, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter where in the world you are, everyone is getting the covid vaccine. Furthermore, the government aimed to vaccinate at least 80 percent of the population. Keep yourself up to date, and don't listen to the crazy rumours floating around. Here's where you can keep up to the up to date news: https://www.vaksincovid.gov.my/

I Need My Results TODAY (Because...)
Reason why we always encourage you to come straight to the hospital to collect your covid results or provide a proper email is because we do not want your results to go to the wrong hands. Hence why we stressed for you to contact the relevant department for the proper information instead of bouncing around. Furthermore, not to sound paranoid, but anyone can cheat their way online. It's plain scary. 

People Chasing Us For Medical Claims --
Contact the Medical Records Department for God's sake. You may laugh and think, oh, it's just a piece of paper. That piece of paper can land us in a lawsuit if we don't have a legal consent, furthermore, I'm sure most of you have heard of the tragic case of Jacintha Saldanha back in 2012. If not, here's a link of the article. (TRIGGER WARNING)  Suicide of Jacintha Saldanha - Wikipedia
No matter it's a phone call or to claim your medical records, please go through the proper channel, sign a consent and we'll handle the rest. 

I Need To Fly Today And I Need To Do The Swab Test NOW
Not to be judgmental, but if you planned to fly, do not do your test last minute. The accurate results will take at least 24 hours. This is why before you buy your plane tickets, get to know your flight policy and guidelines to avoid taking the covid test last minute. The only time that is forgivable is when you have to fly back last minute due to unavoidable issues (Eg. family matters, funerals)

Emergency? Eh, I Can Wait
Do you know how many calls or whatsapp we received at night? High fever, sudden bleeding, sudden infection, choking on a fish bone, chest tightness, all those are alarm signs. We tend to take things seriously but you will be surprise how most people are nonchalant. I can't stressed how often that the moment something doesn't seem right, please, I implore you to seek treatment immediately. You may think that it's a small matter, but things can escalate to disaster fast. 

Why Call? Let's Whatsapp
Source: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Warrior_(Final_Fantasy_X-2)?file=Paine_Transformation1.gif
Added by Keltainentoukokuu Posted in Warrior (Final Fantasy X-2)Paine/Gallery

This is basically what we call a double-edged sword, and this relates to the point above. As mentioned, you have no idea the amounts of enquiries we received on a daily basis with the above mentioned scenario. Here are notable examples which I handled:

  • Luneth contacted at midnight to make an appointment. They contacted again to switch their appointment after office hours. I checked the system to find Luneth's name in the system. When they gave me radio silence, I prompted them is it because they wish to reschedule. That is when Luneth mentioned they have an infection and wish to come in tomorrow. Of course, I send them a message politely that we will get the person in charge to contact them tomorrow. I was shocked when I received this message back in return.

"Again and again. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure that my request has been followed up. Do NOT give excuses that you are busy."

Here is when I felt like giving my two cents. If it's so urgent, why didn't you make an effort to call? Why did you wait till after office hours? Or send a message at midnight? This is what irks me. I would also say it goes both ways. As a patient who often have to go for frequent follow ups at one point, it is MY RESPONSIBLITY to make sure I fixed my appointment, not to mention if I can't make it, to give a courtesy call that I can't come to the appointment and reschedule with the person in charge, because it is my health, my problems. I cannot depend on others regarding my own appointment, furthermore, doctors can only do half of the work. The other half comes from you. Long story short, we settled the case. I wasn't upset that Luneth won the battle. I'm alright with it, I just hated it when you try your very best to be polite, people tend to bash you. This is why I often try not to lose my temper because no one likes getting bashed. Furthermore, on that day unfortunately, we were too busy running after so many enquiries that we overlooked Luneth's. Moral of the story: D.I.Y

  • Someone contacted me at 3 in the morning regarding their child, who is less than a year old, having high fever and diarrhoea for days. With the current pandemic, we are not taking anything to chances. I begged the person on the other end to please seek treatment at the government sector emergency department. Their answer:
"I do not trust the government sector. I only trust the private."

Okay, I begged this person, let's call them Rubicante, to bring their child now to the emergency, and to give me the details so I can get the team ready downstairs. I nearly feel like screaming when I received this message:

"You don't understand, I want to wait till morning to consult the specialist on call."
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Here's my take: If it's my child having symptoms of suspected covid, I will hightail to the nearest emergency screaming for help. Don't jeopardize your child's life. 

  • I'm flying to another country. Is it recognized by the overseas government?
No matter how much I tried to convince Cagnazzo that our test is basically recognized by the Malaysian Ministry of Health, they seemed to have a ton of conspiracies. Look, just to cover everyone, this is why there are always DISCLAIMERS... 

  • "Please help, my dad has chest tightness!"
Why are we sitting around whatsapping for? GET TO THE NEAREST EMERGENCY RIGHT NOW! Our conversation went back and forth, but the family claimed that the Emergency Department is full of covid, and the Medical Officers are inexperienced. I beg your pardon, Medical Officers are still qualified doctors. They studied hard to work where they are. Do not look down on them just because they are Medical Officers. When I started working with them in November, I realized that they were often put down just because they weren't specialists. And I hate to burst your bubble, but covid is everywhere. The air has been contaminated, it's just whether your body immunity can fight back or the virus happen to invade your body. I have calls and enquiries coming in where people claimed they have not get out of the house, and they still get covid. Look, it happens. It's okay, we're here to help, we'll do our best to guide you, it's not the end of the world. But it irks me to no end the various storied that pops out. "My friend said this and said that."
     Apologies for going off topic, anyway, we booked an appointment for Relm's dad, and the next day, when we contact them to ask if they are coming so that we can alert the relevant party, this is what they said, "Oh, he's alright now."
I - I - Alright, next.

  • "I'm having a serious acute condition. I'm based in outstation and I want to come now."
I'm not trying to be mean, but the current MCO has clearly stated no interstate travelling unless it's urgent. Furthermore, acute condition such as shortness of breath, suspected covid symptoms, chest tightness, suspected symptoms of stroke and bed-ridden condition such as traumatic spine injuries...You can't drive four to six hours here, furthermore, it is unethical of us to torture you for the sake of coming here. We are not heartless monsters, and depending on where you stay like the northern or southern peninsula, or across the ocean, we will advise you to head to the nearest clinic or hospital for treatment, whichever is convenient. 
      "But I'm fine! I want to come to your place! I trust the doctors there!"
      Please, I know you do, but your condition is unfit for travel, furthermore, the roadblocks may not be forgiving. Please just go to the nearest healthcare facility for help. Stop being so flippant, nonchalant and ignorant.     

Silver Platters 

In the servicing line, it is expected to treat everyone like kings and queens, in other words, the best experience. I won't condemn that, treat others the way you want others to treat you, as the old saying goes, but there comes a time that you can't expect everything to be handed to you in a silver platter. Sometimes you have to take things into your own hands and just do it. Don't send enquiries and expect everything to be at your beck and call. Want to see Dr Edge? Get the relevant information, get your phone out, find the appropriate number, give a call, and liaise with the person in charge. Don't depend on a third party. This applies to everything in life. 

Self Diagnose
I naively thought this happens only in fiction books. How wrong I was. Rydia sent us an email that they have diagnosed themselves with a neurological condition via some internet self-diagnose site. Why would you do that??? It's like a slap in the faces to the doctors who have studied hard to earn their qualifications. Five minutes in the net and you are an expert? Please, don't do that. Of course it's good to know some information about your condition, but please do not dismiss the doctors' opinions when you see them. 

Five Finger Discounts
As a wise man once told me years back, nothing in the world is free. I'm sorry. No matter how much you demand, beg, I can't give it to you. I have no right, neither of us has the right. You are not going to go the St Regis with just ten ringgit in your pocket, and you are not going to go to Tony Roma's with ten dollars in your pocket. If you can't afford it, then don't buy it. Again, not trying to be judgmental, but I have went to government sector for treatment and it wasn't that bad, it's only the waiting time, and the extremely strict rules that tends to make you shake your head, but each company has their own policies, and we have to follow it, like it or not. The public always seemed to have the perspective that all of us are wealthy because we could afford private sector care. Let's be for real, if we are not covered, we can't afford the healthcare costs. This is why I rarely use my staff benefits until the last resort, meaning when my condition is extremely dire. Don't take things for granted, and certainly don't misuse it.  

You Are A Scammer
Are you kidding me? This is getting old. Why would I want to scam you? Whenever I used the hospital line to contact some people, they claimed they wouldn't answer my phone because..."It looks like a scammer calling." I - I just -

Source: Explosion Volcano GIF by South Park Explosion Volcano GIF by South Park - Find & Share on GIPHY Updated on 08/24/2016

I will be honest here, this post is pretty depressing, I'm sorry it upsets you. I'll admit, I haven't been getting enough sleep, and I feel that I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. I came back home crying most of the times thinking where did I go wrong, not to mention whenever I come home, I barely had time to read, write or draw. Coming back home means sleep, get up for work, grab a meal and that's it. That's my life now. I'll share more when I have the time. 

*The stories are rather vague because I was nitpicking to avoid crossing the line. As stated in my blogs, all stories are edited to protect everyone. The names you see does not define their gender, hence why I often use they.