1st June (Monday) - These few days, we are having major ultraviolet, in other words, sunburns. I've been shivering on and off, hot and cold, sometimes breaking into chilly sweats for no reason as though I'm having hypoglcemia (low blood sugar). Apparently I've been suffering heatstrokes. So not good. Not good.
These days I felt really weak and fatigue. Not during worktimes, but when I go out, especially to crowded areas. Sigh, not all the Vitamin C and E can help me out in this. Not even the air conditioning unit can save from the heat. To maintain my weight, I went on a vigorous diet that involves warm lemon water, soya based milk, Vitamin C and E, chlorophyll, Not to mention the exercises I'm taking up.Anything I take nowadays goes into my waistline. ==
Most of my patients were ignorant about sunblock. Clearly, they haven't seen Hugh Jackman's lecture on the importance of sunblock. Seriously, the many cases of fractional laser ablation we had done... Most of them were like, "Oh, I can go back to my usual activity.without much worry." Uh, no, you can't. After any aesthetic treatment, your skin will be sensitive. Do not take things like sunblock too lightly. If you don't apply sunblock on your sensitive skin, dark pigmentations will re-emerge. Then you'll end up spending more on second treatment. And no cheap sunblocks allowed. According to my doctor, the best will be SPF 50. And if you are going out, please make sure to get a wide brim hat and umbrella to shield your face from the ultraviolet lights. And shocking news, apparently, the indoor lights of your office also has ultraviolet. Oh my goodness. Shocking, but true. Not it's not dangerous, but long term exposure to the lights like computers can cause uneven skin tone. Hoo boy. No wonder why sunblocks are selling like hotcakes. And that is why I'm also now putting moisturiser plus sunblock, it's a 2 in 1 so I actually saved up a little on the sunblock cost.
Regarding about cases, there's not much to say, most of it were the same, but I finally get to see hair removal. Here's the thing: Permanent Hair Removal is not permanent. Many of my patients complained that they went to do permanent hair removal but they kept getting some hair back. So far, hair removal is not permanent. What we offer is hair growth reduction, which means we can use laser to laser off most of your hair, but there will be a few strands sprouting out, and it's not hundred percent guarantee, depending on the severity of your hair growth. There are some people who come back and tell me it's not effective, but there are some who said it was effective and they only got a few strands poking out. If you are going for armpit hair removal, I won't recommend it. With the blistering heat, hair are your best friend for filtering the sweat.
Tome for me to go to bed, it's going to be very busy tomorrow.